Calculator Poker

Object: To beat your opponent with a better (higher value) hand. It has 1, 2 and 3 player games.
To Start
  1. Present a game main menu that offers the following options:
    Welcome to Calculator Poker!
    Please choose from the following options: 1) Read Instructions. 2) One player game. 3) Two player game. 4) Three player game. 5) End game.
  2. There are always 3 players (human and/or computer) in this game.

  3. Require each human player to enter a name. Address them by their names, not as player A, B, etc.

  4. Play the game.

  5. When the game is over:
    • display all three hands,
    • identify the type of hand, and the high card
    • and the rank of each hand as first, second and third.


    Fred:34223Two Pair, high card 4Second
    Joey:24680Even Straight, high card 8First
    Tron:52418High Card, high card 8Third

  6. Then return to the main menu.

The Play Player A inputs a five digit number. Player B then inputs a five digit number, and player A's number will be divided by it. The first 5 digits of the remaining decimal number is player A's hand.

Player B inputs a five digit number. Player C Player then generates a random five digit number, and player B's number will be divided by it. The first 5 digits of the remaining decimal number is player B's hand.

Player C generates a random five digit number. Player A then inputs a five digit number, and computer player's number will be divided by it. The first five digits of the remaining decimal number is Player C's hand.

*NOTE* You may not divide by the same number as the previous entry. This would result in a hand of 1, and the process would have to be repeated.
Hand Values
A) 5 numbers the same 55555
B) Odd straight flush 35179
C) Even straight flush 04826
D) 4 numbers the same 44144
E) Full house 22333
F) Flush: all odd or even numbers 24448
G) Straight: any 5 number sequence 12345
H) Three of a number 33318
I) Two pairs of numbers 23723
J) One pair of numbers 11356
K) High number
Example Play
  • Player A enters 34567
  • Player B divides by 56321
  • = 0.6137497
  • Player A's hand is 61374
  • Player B enters 78965
  • Player C divides by 56328
  • = 1.401878
  • Player B's hand is 40187
  • Player C generates 14896
  • Player A divides by 85693
  • = 0.1738298
  • Player C's hand is 17382
Player A:61374High Card, high card 7Third
Player B:40187High Card, high card 8First
Player C:17382High Card, high card 8Second
User Interface Design
Use the technology assigned (GUI, Dialog Boxes, or Console) to maximize usability.

Game Variations

Level 1 Complete Game - Graphical User Interface

  1. Complete the game as described above using Ms. Wear's Graphical User Interface.

Level 2 Complete Game - Dialog Boxes

  1. Complete the game as described above using HTML in dialog boxes. Read more about it here.

Level 3 Complete Game - Console Interface

  1. Complete the game as described above using a console interface.

Level 4 - Three Player Game Only Console Interface

  1. Complete the game as described above using a console interface but don't write a computer player.

Level 5 - Three Player Game Only, Limited Hand Ranking, Console Interface

  1. Complete the game as described above using a console interface but don't write a computer player.
  2. Hand Ranking is limited to type of hand and will not rank multiple hands of the same type.