Students are responsible for saving back-up copies of all their work. It is useful to have a GMail account and a USB drive.
- the "Back-up" talk
- user accounts
- meet the lab, lab rules
- meet the computers
- exactly what does "monitors OFF!" mean?
- saving and renaming files, creating folders
- Printing
Students are responsible for saving back-up copies of all their work. It is useful to have a GMail account and a USB drive.
- get a Google Account
- Log into it
- Google Drive
- saving an images from your phone to Google Drive
- uploading
- downloading
- conventions for naming files
- organizing files
- Google Docs:
- creating and renaming files,
- basic features,
- paste (with and without formatting),
- find and replace,
- collaboration,
- drawing,
- tables
Proper keyboarding techniques not only increase the efficiency of using the computer, but also reduce the risk of repetitive injuries such as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.
- Familiarize yourself with the three stages of "All The Right Type".
- Teacher will assess current keyboarding skills as base line from which to improve.
- Keyboard should be practiced in class whenever you have free time. For example, before class starts, when you finish a task early, or when practice time is provided.
- Online typing games and tests
- What is the Internet?
- Dial-Up Modem Sound: caution, turn down your speakers/headphones.
- You Normally BROWSE The Internet through a WEB BROWSER
- a WEB BROWSER is a PROGRAM on your computer that acts like a picture frame, through which you view web SITES. EXAMPLES OF WEB BROWSERS (SOFTWARE):
- Chrome
- Firefox
- Internet Explorer
- Safari
- Edge
- Opera
- Examples of web SITES: Google, Facebook, Youtube, Wikipedia
- You can find a website by using a SEARCH ENGINE to search for a topic or keyword (eg: 'geckos') EXAMPLES OF SEARCH ENGINES (WEBSITES):
- You can also type a URL (a 'web address') into your Browser's Address Bar. eg:
- A little about how the Internet works:
- If someone wants to have internet access at home, they would pay an ISP (Intrernet Service Provider) for access. The ISP would provide the user with a MODEM to connect to their service with. The most popular ISPs in Western Canada are SHAW and TELUS.
- Web Sites are usually stored on WEB SERVERS (powerful computers) that Companies like Google and eBay pay to run.
- The DATA of websites you request travel to you from *anywhere in the world* over SUPER FAST cables and systems known as the INTERNET BACKBONE.
More About the Internet:
- Is an infinitely complex network of hundreds of millions electronic devices.
- Transfers data between Personal Computers, and Servers
- Most users browse the internet using a Web Browser. (eg: Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer)
- Using a web browser, we locate information by clicking a LINK on a website, or by typing in a URL (Uniform Resource Locator) Also commonly known as a "web address" - (eg:,, etc)
- All Web Pages and data you retrieve & store on the Internet is stored on a server.
- Isn't 'owned' by anyone.
- Is 'regulated by the W3C (World Wide Web Consortium). - they develop the Standards of the Internet.
- Most users connect to the internet through an ISP (Internet Service Provider - eg: Shaw, Telus).
- Is based on standards, so that all types of devices can interconnect and communicate.
- EVERY device on the internet has a UNIQUE identifying address, known as an IP Address. eg:
- Devices including: Routers, Switches, Hubs, Repeaters, Bridges, Satellites, Optical Fibre Transmitters, etc.
- The BACKBONE of the internet is made up of EXTREMELY fast, inter-connected networks - some of which are the size of continents, others cross major oceans.
- The Internet Backbone is a network of FAST equiment including Under-Sea Cables, Bridges (devices), and Routers all over the world
- VIDEO: "The Internet"
MINI-ASSIGNMENT: Internet Diagram /5
- Look at THIS IMAGE.(image is a simple diagram of the Internet)
- On a sheet of paper, correctly identify all 7 components of the internet using the above linked image
- modern devices: phones, tablets, laptops, desktops, Virtual Reality headsets (Video)
- internal and peripheral devices
- notes in class on a simplified Von Neumann model (Wikipedia)
- Program a robot in language Wear
10 Steps Forward 1010 1 Step Forward 1110 Turn 90 degrees right 1011 Problem: Using the ficticious programming language WEAR, write a program that moves a human robot from point A to point B. Do this in groups of 3. Afterwards, swap your program with another group and test it. Discuss things the language WEAR lacks (iteration etc).
- basic hardware components (Wikipedia)
- Motherboard
- Video, Sound, Network (define each)
- discuss pros and cons of onboard vs expansion cards
- Power Supply
- Optical Disk Drive
- Hard Disk Drive - (Solid State and Mechanical)
- Hardware Quiz: Identify pieces of hardware, purpose and whether it is internal or peripheral
- Do this alone or with a partner.
- In a Google Docs document, copy the names of the following components:
- Motherboard
- Video, Sound, Network (define each)
- discuss pros and cons of onboard vs expansion cards
- Power Supply
- Optical Disk Drive
- Hard Disk Drive - (Solid State and Mechanical)
- describe the purpose of each. The purpose must be in your own words, should be simple and should be one or two sentences.
- include an image of each component
- Next to each description, copy and paste a photo of each from google images
- show it to Ms. Wear for completion marks
- The Digital Computer - Bits and Bytes
- Bits vs Bytes As Fast As Possible
- know the terms: bit, byte, kilo, mega, giga, tera. Read here for more.
- What is a file?
- What is a file format? Binary vs. ASCII Format
- What is a file extension?
- What are Windows File Associations?
What is software?
- Application Software (installed)
- Online vs Installed Software
- Categories of Software
- Usage Rules: Free vs. Demoware/Payware vs. Open Source (Wikipedia)
- Copy and paste these questions into a Google Docs document: Email Questions
- Answer these questions while the teacher gives the email lesson in class.
- Refer to these additional resources:
- Complete the Office Ergonomics Exercise.
Why is Cyber Security an issue? Four videos shown in class: CyberSecurity Videos
Try out your cybersecurity skills at the lab.
In Class Exercise
- Share a Google Document with a partner.
- In the document, answer the questions below using this link: Cyber Security Risks
- Copy and paste these questions into the document:
- What is a virus?
- What is malware?
- What is spyware?
- What is a trojan horse?
- How do malware/viruses/spyware get onto your computer?
- What are three things you should do to protect your home computer from malware?
- What is spam? Is it a security risk?
- What is phishing?
- What is a scam?
- If you suspect a scam, or phishing, how can you find out if it is a scam/phishing?
- What is a good rule of thumb when you're banking online?
- What kind of information do identify thieves look for? What do they do with this information?
- In social networking, what risks are associated with geotagged photos? How do you reduce this risk?
- In social networking, what are the risks of friending some one you do not know?
- In social networking, what are three things you can do to keep your information private?
- What makes a strong password?
- Raster vs Vector Image Video
- Png vs Gif vs JPG : Video, Web Article
- Color Modes: Video, Web Article
Copy and paste these questions into a Google docs document, answer during the lesson:
- Bitmap/Raster images are:
- more or less common than vector
- Pixel/Raster based or Mathematical Equation based
- Scalable: Up or Down or both
- Examples of image extensions:
- Most common uses:
- Programs you can edit bitmap images with:
- Vector images are:
- more or less common than bitmap/raster
- Pixel/Raster based or Mathematical Equation based
- Scalable: Up or Down or both
- Examples of image extensions:
- Most common uses:
- Programs you can edit vector images with:
- In class, do we work with Raster or Vector images?
- What are the three Web Friendly Image Formats? What makes them web friendly?
- What color mode, RGB or CMYK, is best used for online graphics? Which is best used for printed graphics?
Complete this table for Web Friendly Image Formats:
Image Extension Lossless or Lossy Compression # Colours Supports Animation? Supports Transparency? Best Uses jpg gif png
- Spend at least 15 minutes creating a drawing with Inkscape.
- Use
File > Save As....
to save the file as an SVG - Use
File > Export Bitmap...
to save the file as a PNG - Open each image in Chrome and zoom in to 400%.
- Look at the size of each image using Windows Explorer.
- Add the following table to your notes from yesterday and complete it.
Image Extension Raster OR Vector Is it pixellated when you zoom in? (Yes OR No) Byte size png svg
Inskcape Topics:
- The Cartesian plane: X & Y Coordinates
- Resolution-Independent graphics
- Nodes
- Curves
- Node Interpolation (V)
- Bezier Handles
- Stroke and Fill
- Gradients
- Effects: Drop-Shadows, Inner Glow, anything else?
Spend at least 45 minutes creating a landscape image using vector drawing tools in Inkscape. Make appropriate use of tools as
demonstrated in class and use appropriate placement and number of Nodes to create vector shapes (less = more). It will be marked as follows:
- Your canvas (page) should be SQUARE. (/1)
- The background of your image should not be white. (use a colour or gradient)(/1)
- At least 4 visual layers of scenery including background and foreground.(/1)
- Include natural and man-made items.(/1)
- Use of Gradients (/1)
- Use of Curves (/1)
- Use of Drop Shadow (/1)
- Use of Inner Glow (/1)
- Include your name (text tool) or signature (/1)
- It looks like a graphic of a landscape generated on a computer (/1) **save your file as a .svg file regularly to your H-Drive. When you are finished you will copy-and-paste your .svg file with your name to
Wear_IT > Hand-in > IT9_10 > Inkscape Landscape
VIDEO TUTORIAL on creating a vector landscape in Inkscape.
- Learn to use the Pixlr Editor.
- If you missed the class on how to use Pixlr, here are some youtube tutorials
- Photo Editing: What Can Be Done With Photo Editors
- Pixlr home page
- Picture to practice cut out
Complete this exercise: Tall Ship Battle.
To hand in: drag and drop into folder Student Shared > Wear_IT > Hand-in > IT9_10 > Pixlr Tall Ships
To hand in: drag and drop into folder Student Shared > Wear_IT > Hand-in > IT9_10 > Pixlr Tall Ships
Now get some experience using layers:
- Open this image in Pixlr.
- Ask Ms. Wear to demonstrate creating a layer with just the dog in it and then create a layer with just the background in it.
- Using the gradient tool, make a crazy background layer behind the dog
- Using a third layer, put a hat on the dog. The lighting, focus, and saturation of the hat should match that of the dog.
- Using the pinch and bloat tools, reshape the dog to look cartoony.
- Use the text tool to add a doge like saying to your meme.
- Download your image to the H drive
- To hand in: drag and drop into folder Student Shared > Wear_IT > Hand-in > IT9_10 > Pixlr Doge
- In class lesson the tools and features of GIMP.
- Layer Masks - tutorial
- Perfect Skin Lesson: Use Gimp to create perfect skin on this man. Watch this video for hints. Use Adjustments to reduce the red tone in his skin. Show your creation to Ms. Wear in class.
- Changing a Person in a Photo Lesson: Watch this video How to Remove and Insert People.
- GIMP Tutorials
- GIMP User Manual
- How to Install GIMP
You have been hired to landscape this homeowner's yard. You are going to show the homeowner what the home will look like when you have finished landscaping. Miraculously, you are able to remove the neighbours houses and add big trees behind the house. This is why you are able to charge so much!
Open this image of a house without landscaping in Gimp.
Make the following changes:
- (/1) The photo of the house is dark and flat, increase the lighting (Colors > Levels) saturation on the house (Colors > Hue/Saturation)
- (/1) Remove the plastic bags (clone tool)
- (/1) Remove the pile of gravel in front of the house (clone tool)
- (/1) Remove the wood from the driveway and fill it in with pavement (layer mask driveway)
- (/1) Fill in the new front lawn, (layer mask)
- (/1) Add flowers and shrubs (copy/paste)
- (/1) Add a small tree in front of the house. (copy/paste)
- (/1) Remove the neighbouring homes on the right and the left. (layer mask/clone)
- (/1) Remove the trees and sky behind the house (layer mask)
- (/1) Fill in a nice background (try this one or this one or find another)
- (/1) Add a fence to the left and right sides of the house.
- (/4) When finished, make a before and after jpg with both images side by side following the instructions below. (Example)
- Double canvas size using Image > Canvas Size, keep modified image to the right,
- add new layer with original image (File > Open As Layers)
- Use the text tool to add BEFORE and AFTER
- To save as jpg: File > Export As...
Evaluation (/20): marks for the criteria as shown above + 5 marks for quality of final image
- Using the Design Template
- Using Insert Slide
- Views
- Slide Master
- Home Ribbon
- Insert Ribbon
- Insert Slide Number in Footer
- Slide Transitions
- Custom Animation
- Presentation Design Notes
Slides Presentation Dates: Wed Oct 18 and Thurs Oct 19
You will do a 3-5 minute Slides Presentation in front of the class on a topic that you know a lot about. Evaluation criteria below.
Teacher Evaluation of Slides Presentation.
Student Evaluation of Slides Presentation.
- All topics in this unit will be covered
- 50 multiple choice questions
- closed everything
- Practice with these Practice Questions