Blender is open source 3D computer graphics software.
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The skills taught in class can be reviewed by watching the following videos: BornCG Blender 2.6 Tutorials 1-12.
Create a snowman using basic shapes. Add some trees and a plane for the ground. Color appropriately. Video: Building a Snowman. Use "smooth" in the tool bar to smooth your snowman.

- The scene must contain a coloured snowman. (/3)
- The scene must contain a minecraftish animal that has multiple colours applied to it.(/3)
- The scene has a plane as a ground. (/1)
- The scene contains trees, and/or mountains, and/or at least two objects besides the snowman and minecraft character. (/3)
- Include any Location/Rotation/Scale animation: example: the snowman waves (with animation), his nose or hat falls off etc (/3)
- The explode modifier is used (usually to explode or to disintegrate an object)(/3)