Students are responsible for saving back-up copies of all their work. It is useful to have a GMail account and a USB drive.
Topics to be Covered
Intro (Ergo/Typing)
Google Docs
Online Presence
Digital dossier
Digital Literacy and Citizenship
Image Manipulation
Hardware and Maintenance
Evolution of Technology
Software Types
Online Tools
Troubleshooting Software
OS/Command line
- the "Back-up" talk
- user accounts
- meet the lab, lab rules
- meet the computers
- exactly what does "monitors OFF!" mean?
- printing
Students are responsible for saving back-up copies of all their work. It is useful to have a GMail account and a USB drive.
Topics to be Covered
Intro (Ergo/Typing)
Google Docs
Online Presence
Digital dossier
Digital Literacy and Citizenship
Image Manipulation
Hardware and Maintenance
Evolution of Technology
Software Types
Online Tools
Troubleshooting Software
OS/Command line
Keyboard Shortcuts
Ctrl + A, Ctrl + C, Ctrl + V demo in class
Watch 20 Useful Keyboard Shortcuts You Need to Know
File Explorer is the Windows file manager.
Save 10 images from Google images to your downloads folder. To save images to your computer from Chrome:Watch Windows 10: How To Organize Files and Folders
In your Documents folder, create a new folder to store files for this course.
Save 10 images from Google images to your downloads folder. To save images to your computer from Chrome:
Open File Explorer to the Downloads folder. Practice the skills taught in the video below with the saved images.
- Open Chrome from the desktop.
- Find an image that you want to save. ...
- Right click on the image and select “Save image as...” ...
- Change the image name, if you want to.
- Click the Save button.
- Click Show In Folder to reveal the image.
In your Documents folder, create a new folder to store files for this course.
Computer ergonomics are important because working at a computer for prolonged periods of time can actually be harmful to your overall health.
Watch Computer Ergonomics as Fast as Possible
Set up your computer workstation in the lab to be as ergonomically correct for you, as possible. Partner up with another student and have them evaluate your
set up and make suggestions for improvement.
Get someone to take a photo of you at your workstation. Insert the photo into a Word Document.
Make a list of at least 5 things that are good about the ergnomics of your workstation.
Make a list of at least 3 things that are not ideal about the ergonomics of your workstation.
Name your Word document YourNameErgo.docx. Submit it to the Student Shared Drive.
Learn to use Word using the tutorials at this site Word Basics
Proper keyboarding techniques not only increase the efficiency of using the computer, but also reduce the risk of repetitive injuries such as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.
Watch How to Type
Create an account at
Self-join Ms. Wear's class by clicking here
Use this website to practice touch typing.
Your typing progress will be monitored.
- Raster vs Vector Image Video
- Png vs Gif vs JPG : Video, Web Article
- Color Modes: Video, Web Article
Copy and paste these questions into a Google docs document, answer during the lesson:
- Bitmap/Raster images are:
- more or less common than vector
- Pixel/Raster based or Mathematical Equation based
- Scalable: Up or Down or both
- Examples of image extensions:
- Most common uses:
- Programs you can edit bitmap images with:
- Vector images are:
- more or less common than bitmap/raster
- Pixel/Raster based or Mathematical Equation based
- Scalable: Up or Down or both
- Examples of image extensions:
- Most common uses:
- Programs you can edit vector images with:
- In class, do we work with Raster or Vector images?
- What are the three Web Friendly Image Formats? What makes them web friendly?
- What color mode, RGB or CMYK, is best used for online graphics? Which is best used for printed graphics?
Complete this table for Web Friendly Image Formats:
Image Extension Lossless or Lossy Compression # Colours Supports Animation? Supports Transparency? Best Uses jpg gif png
Watch this introduction to Photoshop: Photoshop for Beginners.. Follow the video by trying everything taught in Photoshop.
Visit Photoshop How To's PlayList.. Pick any 10 videos. Watch and learn. For each of the ten you pick, demonstrate your skill by applying it to high quality image you found on Pexels OR that you created from scratch.
Layout and Composition.
Create a poster for Santa's Breakfast.
- Include who, what, when and why.
- Apply the principles taught in the tutorials above
- Export your poster as a PNG
- Hand in to Wear_IT > Hand-in > Understanding Computers and the Web
Get some of your own photos and create a collage.
WatchCreate a photo collage.
What career do you want? Invent a career you might want to have in the future and create a business card for your future self.
ReadCreate a business card for your future self.
- Include basic information required
- Apply the principles taught in the tutorials from assignment 1.
- Export your poster as a PNG
- Hand in to Wear_IT > Hand-in > Understanding Computers and the Web
What would you like to write a book about? What is it titled? Design a book cover for your future book.
ReadCreate a book cover for your future book.
- Include basic information required
- Apply the principles taught in the tutorials from assignment 1 and the tutorial above.
- Export your poster as a PNG
- Hand in to Wear_IT > Hand-in > Understanding Computers and the Web