Monday Oct 22 Block A In-Class Exercise: Malware
What to do
Watch the videos, and possibly use Google, to answer these questions in a Google Docs document. Print and Hand In the Questions and Answers
- What is malware?
- Why do people write malware?
- How does malware get on your computer?
- What is a virus? What must the user do for a virus infection to occur?
- What is a trojan?
- What is ransomeware?
- What is spyware?
- What are worms?
- What is the difference between viruses and worms?
- Social engineering is an attack that relies heavily on human interaction and often involves tricking people into breaking normal security procedures. How does Social Engineering assist hackers with the distribution of malware?
- What is a botnet? Why do people write them?
- According to the video shown, what are the five worst viruses?
- What can you do to protect your computer from malware?
- What command line tool allows you to monitor network communications with your computer?
- If your computer gets infected, what should you do?
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